Monday, September 6, 2010

Most recent afghan, Harvest Autumn Lapgan

Just finished another afghan yesterday.  It is beautiful autumn colors that remind me of my parents.  There birthdays were Oct 27th & Nov 1st.  Before they passed away I would invite all my family to a birthday dinner for them.  I always bought a cake decorated with beautiful fall colors.  Everything in fall & autumn colors will always bring back very wonderful memories of them.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Website

I started another store for my crochet items that I found last night.  It's  It is a site like Etsy but since I just found it I can't say which site might be better.  Hopefully it will help me sell my items.  I am currently working on another afghan in fall colors.  I hope to have it done by the weekend so I can list it on both sights. 

Hope everyone has a great day!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

New crochet pattern

I found a new crochet pattern last night.  Started making a neck scarf in variegated shades of yellow, turquoise & white.  I really like it.  I will probably be listed in my Etsy store this week.  Hopefully tomorrow or Tuesday.  Rusty needs to go to the groomers tomorrow & we have plans to go out & eat tomorrow also.  I usually go to Joann Fabric while Rusty is at the groomers & look at yarns & new pattern ideas. 

Our son Eric is home for the weekend.  He is helping us get some things done around the house.  The dogs love it when he is home.  It means they get more attention.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

new at this

I am just not getting this blog thing.  I keep trying to find blogs on crochet & keep finding only the same one each time.  Hopefully someone will read mine soon & can help me out.

Looking for some new crochet afghan patterns.  Does anyone have anything different to share?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Granny Square Afghans

I started crocheting my granny square afghans again.  I started one with a burgandy border.  It looks much prettier than the traditional black border.  I think I am going to make it a small lap throw size. 

Spent the weekend visiting my niece, Amy & her family in Nazareth, Pa.  I crocheted a vest for Amy's youngest daughter but it was actually too big for her oldest so the pattern sizes are not correct at all.  I need to look at the pattern & adjust for size.  This pattern was for 24 months but my niece said it was more like a size 5. 

Got lots of stuff to catch up on today.  If anyone has any child size patterns for little girls vest I would love to compare them to the one I have. 

Have a great day & thanks for reading my blog!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

MaryAnn's Afghans crochet blog: 1st day of blogging

MaryAnn's Afghans crochet blog: 1st day of blogging: "Today is my first day of blogging. I am pretty proud of myself as I do not know much about computers but I am trying to learn on my own. M..."

Thurs Aug 12, 2010

Did not have much of a chance to crochet today.  My babies (dogs) were not co-operating.  Everytime I sat down one of them needed or wanted something.  I was also having a problem with my computer this morning also so my blogging got put off until now.  I crocheted a few coasters last night but didn't get them on Etsy yet because of the computer problem.  Hopefully I will get them on there tonight or tomorrow.